An interest in software development grew after joining the school computer club around 1980 and getting to use their Research Machines 380Z.
Programming the
380Z involved creating a series of punch cards using a keypunch.
Once the program had been created, it was executed by running the
cards through a card reader.
If everything worked as expected, it was possible to "capture" the program on a roll of paper tape which could be re-played at a later date. At that point precious tape could be stored and the sometimes bulky stack of cards could be thrown away. A number of students suddenly found a new use for the pencil box that they had created in woodwork classes during their first year.
The machine had no monitor. Instead the output was displayed on a
teletype. This led to the most common type of program being those
that produced
including gems such as the famous range of Snoopy images.
Over the next few years, a number of upgrades were made to the hardware including;
- Replacing the teletype with a monochrome CRT monitor
- Replacing the card reader and paper tape punch units with a cassette tape interface
Considering this was all happening at least a year before the introduction of the IBM PC and BBC Micro, the computing facilities at the school should probably be considered as extremely advanced.